Monday, December 16, 2013

I am officially ...

I am now an alumni of WSU College of Nursing.
I now have cool initials after my name too!

Danielle Rocchi, BSN, RN

Pretty legit.

 My daddy flew in all the way from Connecticut
My sister, Angela, drove from Pullman
My mom and sister, Beth drove from Seattle
And my MomMom flew all the way from Pennsylvania!

I am very loved :}

 I got to give my family a tour of the school I have lived at for two years

 It was a beautiful ceremony!
It involved lighting a candle and being pinned by my biggest supporter
 I not only graduated Cum Laude
{With honors}
But i received the "Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award"
I was nominated by faculty
This is the only award given so I was honored.

 I was blessed to have my daddy pin me.
He has been my biggest support over these four years
I love him with all my heart

 I also received a rose from the dean

 I cannot forget about this guy.
Casey, my boyfriend, has supported me through all four years of college as well
I am very lucky to have him in my life.

 I had an amazing time with my family for the weekend
It feels weird to be done.
But I am continuing to study for my boards.
I take my NCLEX in January. 
Wish me luck!

Let me dedicate my life today
to the care of those who come my way
let me touch each on with a healing hand
and the gentle art for which I stand
and then tonight when day is done
let me rest in peace if I've helped just one.
-A Nurse's Pledge