Thursday, January 26, 2012


Busy busy week so far. 
I have my first pathology/physiology/pharmacy exam next Wednesday 
That Whitney & I have been studying quite productively for!
We will be prepared!--bring it on!

You're probably wondering why I have a taco bell packet on here...
I unfortunately attempt to eat a taco bell taco today for lunch.
However, it was very soon before I saw it again.. {sorry for the image}
I don't know why but I have lost all appetite for food, have shortness of breath, & muscle fatigue/soreness
According to some professors at my school..
I'm not getting good enough circulation of oxygen to my extremities...
My left leg randomly turn blue {cyanosis} when I sit too long!
& no I am not getting secret super powers, I wish :[

I will have a post new week for Angela's Birthday {Feb 3rd}, 
then I Love You Day, 
& then the 24 Days of Casey!