Saturday, February 18, 2012

Not so Secretly

I have a bad habit of saying "I secretly..."
So I thought I would start a blog tradition of 
my monthly not so secrets

I secretly...

  • have more friends over the age of 25 than my age
  • get aggressive when backing into my garage so I cannot talk on the phone at the same time
  • want to punch people in the back of the head when they walk slow 
  • make bad ass chicken tacos
  • eat at least 2-3 lbs of cheese a week
  • couldn't do a full push up when working out with Casey
  •  chuckle to myself when someone sets themselves up for a "that's what she said" joke
  • love old people
  • sleep on the couch more than my own bed
  • use my vacuum more than anything else 
  • love my new coffee maker
  • want to go to PA to visit all my family
  • watch the Voice every Monday
  • wish it was summer
  • got a text from one of my good friends, Whitney, at 10:30pm saying "I finally got that stupid peanut butter jar open!" Some victory huh & why was she eating peanut butter at 10:30pm? 
  • thought I got a C on a test & ended up getting an A-
  • am terrified to answer my door when anyone knocks
  • love writing in cursive
  • want to cute my hair shorter than it is
  • love learning 
  • am planning on getting my Masters in nursing & becoming a professor
  • love getting flowers even though I act like I don't
  • spend more time at school & clinical than at home
  • never turn on my heat
  • think my fish are the coolest pets ever
  • talk to my fish every morning when I get ready
  • eat breakfast by myself every morning at a giant table for six
  • cannot wait to sand and paint my table with my mom
  • don't know what to do in the car when my mom doesn't answer her phone-sad
  • only listen to Billy Joel, Elton John, backstreet boys, and some country
  • suck at making chocolate chip cookies
  • love blogging!


  1. don't worry about not being able to do a full push up, I'll do extra that will count for you:]

  2. :) And I love your side bar of pictures of your fish.
