Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Not So Secretly

I have not done a "not so secretly" post in a while
So I decided, even in my busy schedule, it was due time

I not so secretly:

  •  hate shaving my legs so I only shave them once-twice a month
  • am a very aggressive driver
  • dislike people who are unprepared
  • love taking pictures of couples & wish I had more people to take pictures of
  • get emotionally attached to the characters in "New Girl"
  • miss my friends back in Virgina, Erin Rooney!
  • am excited to go to Camp Stix this summer!
  • am stressed 24/7
  • hold a ping pong paddle with a Penhold grip (like the Chinese)
  • am too competitive when playing board games
  • love working in the Emergency room
  • get crazy when someone doesn't replace the garbage bag after taking out the garbage (you know who you are...)
  • Vacuum 2-3 times a week
  • cannot wait for Hawaii in May!
  • want to be living on my own and have a job
  • love gingerbread man lattes!!
  • have gone a whole day without eating just because I didn't have time and forgot
  • use way too much paper and black ink for my budget
  • am addicted to Fantasy Football
  • wish I had more time for myself to take pictures and work out
  • get claustrophobic if I wear a turtle neck or scarf too tight
  • love simulation lab!
  • cannot sleep without my favorite pillow
  • bring my iPad with me everywhere, even if I do not need it
  • rarely eat meat
  • love looking at the humor section on pinterest
I am sure there are more but this is long enough

The United States will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.- Abraham Lincoln.

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