Friday, January 18, 2013

Lastest Creations

One of my MANY new years pinky promises for myself was to set aside a few hours a week for myself.
To do whatever I think is fun at the time.
These can range from just taking a nap to crafts to photography. 
I love crafts. I mean what woman doesn't?!
So I have been pretty "crafty" lately.
It is a great relaxer. 
I have problems controlling my stress: Nursing School will do that to you, haha.
Here are some of the things I have been doing over the past few months: 
restored/cleaned and re-threaded my vintage typewriter

Washington state string and nail craft

Made Casey a man Bouquet because it's not fair that the men get to buy us flowers and we cannot do anything!
My dollar store spice racks

I haven't done a blog about how school is going yet.
I absolutely LOVE it so far!
Mother and baby is my true love! 
I get to witness miracles everyday.

I am in my Senior One semester so life is getting "real". 
This semester is OB and pediatrics.
OB: entails mother/baby, labor/delivery, and NICU
Pediatrics is a little different for me and 9 other students...
because we were accepted to "late pediatrics"
Traditionally pediatrics is in the hospital setting
However, for my group we are doing Camp Stix
Camp Stixs is a camp for diabetes children 
They finally get a chance to do what most children normally get to do in the summer
It is a week long camp full of fun summer games, camp fires, zip lines, kayaking, and more
I am part of the MASH staff (medical team)
I will be helping manage there diabetes, teaching, being social/emotional support, and more
I am THRILLED  to go to camp! 
All semester we are preparing for camp by doing projects, research, simulations, modules, etc.
It is going to be awesome!

I digress, my semester so far has been delightful.
I also was offered a job at the College of Nursing being a tutor for previous semester students.
So I now work as a tutor a few times a week.
Also, I haven't said that I work at a day care.
I work a few times a week at a child care facility called Recess Time
I love my job loads! I am seeing lots of babies this semester! :]
It is the best!
That picture was taken at 6:45am on a day I clearly did not shower, haha!

All children must look after their own upbringing. Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.-Anne Frank