Monday, October 7, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Fall in Spokane has came too fast!
It went from being 85 and sunny to 45 and freezing!
To kick off the October season Casey & I went to Greenbluff!
We went with some people from my nursing school.
We had no idea that it was also festival day at the Harvest house...
Luck us! HUGE crowds and lines!
AKA: no pumpkin donuts for this girl :[

But it was a blast
We went pumpkin picking: like last year Casey broke my stem off my pumpkin on accident
I do not know why I have such bad pumpkin Karma! :[

We ended up with two perfect pumpkins!

Flash back to last year...
Nice shirt Casey ;} 
It is clearly his pumpkin picking shirt!

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