Sunday, March 4, 2012

24 Days of Casey

Sorry this is a little late...
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Casey
Happy Birthday to you!
Presents & Cake!

Beth invited Casey & I to South Fork for dinner on the 24th
Beth got Casey a airplane sized vodka bottle, haha.
{sorry I don't have a picture of it}

Also, the Faverty's took us bowling in Pullman, to Denny's, & Pizza Hut!
Tears of pain, joy, and fearfulness
All are shed for one great cause
The feeling that is utter happiness
Love is what deletes all flaws.

The one thing that is never forgotten
The boy who makes me spoiled rotten
You carry my heart through everyday
I know that you cherish the words I say

Never shall I leave you empty and broken
I trust that you love me, words unspoken
The feelings of love filter through our veins
Connected as one our relationship remains
I love you more than money can buy
Sometimes it’s okay if we cry
Because I know you’re the right guy.


  1. love that his name is casey. :) I heart my casey. Sorry I'm just catching up on all of this! HA!
