Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Mother of Three

Kandice Lynn Rocchi
Born: March 6th 1965 
Back before school
I would always drool
There were monsters under my bed
So you kissed me goodnight on my head
Comforted, into my dreams I’d flee
The mother of three

Back in grade school
I broke every rule 
Pokémon cards and soccer matches
You took care of all my scratches
All I wanted was to be set free
The mother of three

Back in high school
I thought I was too cool
To be my mother’s best friend
So little time we had to spend
Only later would I truly see
The mother of three

Now I study at college with glee
I love my mother and she loves me
Mothers always know what to do
I will never forget all we went through
Best friends we will forever be
The mother of three

Grown and far we will soon be
Never forget that family tree
Your love and strength created me
The mother of three
I want to thank thee


  1. Danielle, I don't know why your blog doesn't show up on my live feed but I LOVE this. So sweet. I hope my girls think of me this way when they are older :) So sweet. Great wedding pics too!

    1. Haha, that's funny! Don't you worry they will LOVE you forever! I hope the move went well and everything else is going great! I came home for three days this week and it was strange not having your little cuties next door.

  2. Oh...I figured it out....I've been to your blog before but was never a follower...I thought I was...now I am.
