Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Elf Danielle

Busy Busy Busy Elf I have been,
This week I have been working at my new position at the YMCA.. 
Here is the name tag: I wear it proudly 

My "horrible boss" is quite the lazy one, even he will admit it..
I think that is the reason I got promoted in the first place

I have spent the last three days:
Organizing his file cabinets that are a mess, doing paperwork he doesn't want to do, color coordinating everything, making copies, organizing papers that are from 2005 all the way up till yesterday (by month/year/last name/importance), and more!

He has given me permission to make fun of him a little bit on this blog.
Even though I refuse to give him my blog site.
If you haven't seen the movie "horrible bosses" you wont know what I'm talking about
 & if you haven't seen the movie, you need to. 
Warning, it is crude and sexually humorous.

Work goes by quickly, due to all the work I have
My boss reminds me every time I get a new task:
"You are getting paid for this" 
My response "you couldn't pay me enough"

However, if that were true I wouldn't be doing it. & I do enjoy my job.

Other than work, life as been quite slow and relaxing:
Daily Television watching with my father, and who ever else decides to join.
The usual shows are..
Bones is my favorite: partially because that's what my father calls me "bones"
Another 'must see movie' that I have already seen twice in theaters is..
The first one is one of my favorite movies. & the second one did not disappoint!

Also, my superwoman mother is juggling work, emotions, and making me a delicious dinner every night
I would like to take a moment to thank my mother:

To be a mother is not an easy task,
yet you do it proudly everyday no matter what is asked.
You have turned your baby into a beautiful young lady.
You were there for me since the very beginning and saved me countless tears.
The pushy and wise advice you gave will carry me through the years.
With my every mistake or wrongful deed,
you were always there to understand.
You put no limits on my dreams or anything else I wish to do.
You never forget to say you care or that you love me to.
The smile and tears upon your face when I achieve 
provides me with more value in my heart then you’d ever believe.
I know that my teen years have driven you crazy 
but you have guided me with assurance along the way.
You have given me comfort and certainty with every breath I take within the day.
Your little girl is growing up but your baby girl will always remain deep inside me.
-Champagne S. Baker

& to my two lovely sisters:
We are three sisters
Three sisters are we
I love each of you,
And I know you love me

We’re not always together,
Life sometimes keeps us apart.
But we're never separated
We’re in each other's heart.

Now I know we've had our troubles,
But we always get thru.
The real message is you love me,
And I also love you.

We have had lots of good times
That we'll never forget
Sometimes we worry
And sometimes we fret

But if God ever gave me
Something special you see,
It might have been the blessing of,
Three sisters are we.

The Lord above has gave me lots
Of happiness and glee
But the most special thing he did was
Make us sisters, all three.
 -Francis I. Gillespie

I wish I had more time in everyday to thank those who make me strong 
Others I would like to thank: 
  • Casey Faverty: for the obvious reasons (he is awesome)
  • Mom Mom Rocchi: for being the sweetest lady I have ever met; truly a saint
  • & my GODFATHER..
 My Uncle Michael has supported me through all my endeavors
& I wish I could thank him more. 
Us middle kids gotta stick together (he is a brother of 7 other siblings: middle child?) 
Gotta love him :]!
 Lastly, tomorrow after work I am going to Zoo Lights with the lovely Faverty family!
Pictures will come tomorrow or Friday :]!

My typical flash back post:
this is a letter I wrote to myself in the 3rd grade.. 
It got to me my sophomore year of college..

Sorry this blog post is so long. 
Gotta tell someone what is going on in this mind of mine..

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