Sunday, July 29, 2012


A week or so ago Casey took me to Wonderland!
We went put putting and played some arcade games :]

 I definitely lost this time :[
But that's ok. It was still fun :]!
It's good sportsmanship to not pick up lost golf balls while they are still rolling.  - Mark Twain

Lakeside at Coeur d'Alene

Casey and I celebrated his last day of summer at Coeur d'Alene lake
Independence point to be precise.
It is home of the largest floating boardwalk!
Grumpy man, doesn't want summer to end!
Casey goes back to school early every year because of ResLife
Boo Reslife!
And then later he has Police Intern Academy as well!
So this was his last weekend off from non stop work
It was a PERFECT day!
& I finished my summer class finally!
So more to celebrate!
 The board walk was very long and we walked it twice to get to "our spot"
 To say the least it was toasty but being on the water was perfect
 There are five moose statues in this lovely city
& I managed to take a picture with two of them
However, the other picture is not attractive lolz
We were blessed with a cloudless sky
 Once we set up camp we laid in the sun for a while
Until we got too hot & decided to take a dip in the water

 It was too cold for me at first but then I realized it wasn't too bad
This is my mermaid rock lolz.
I sat on it for quite some time while Casey swam around 
& apparently took pictures of me lolz
It was so much fun!!
After a few hours at the lake basking in the sun
we walked back and walked around down town 
& got snow cones!
After this simply perfect summer day
My lovely man took me to Oliver Garden :]
Then watched movies all night! 
It was finally summertime for two days!
Worth all the hard work.

And it's two bare feet on the dashboard
Young love and an old Ford
Cheap shades and a tattoo
And a Yoo-Hoo bottle on the floorboard

Perfect song on the radio

Sing along 'cause it's one we know
It's a smile, it's a kiss
It's a sip of wine, it's summertime
Sweet summertime.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Birthday America

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Happy Birthday to the greatest country in the whole world!
I celebrated the fabulous holiday in none other than Pullman, Washington
Last years celebration was a blast! The firework show was amazing
& this year it didn't disappoint!
After tanning at the SRC all day we headed over the the festival
 Sporting my American flag bikini of course
We packed a sandwhich and rootbeer dinner for the festival
In glass bottles of course!
If only I took a picture of the delish yoohoo's I bought too! 
In the glass bottles!!!! {these are rare}
 & of course Shari's strawberry cheese cake pie :]
 We hung out and listened to music till 7:30
rootbeer and festive nail polish
gotta love the glass coolers too!
 Then at 7:30pm the fabulous kingpins came on!
They are the best 70-90's cover band in Washington.
Then we danced and sang till 10pm
Then the fireworks began!!
The show was amazing!
It was choreographed to music just like last year!
Fantastic job Pullman.
Then Casey & I took matters into our own hands and lit off our own fireworks!
 We had high hopes for this $44 batch of fireworks
Half the sparklers didn't work
We got a bad roman candle that blew up in our faces
The roman candle situation was the worst..
It was very startling and hurt so we were kinda done after that.
The willows were the best! 
Overall, a wonderful break to my summer madness.
Back to studying in 90 degree temperatures & going to the gym

All we have to do is decide what to do with the time given to us