Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year's!

This was the first New Years Eve without my family;
because I had to come back to Spokane to work Saturday
So Casey & I got all dressed up to go bowling for New Year's Eve
We didn't stay till midnight because my fear of driving that night
The bowling ally is 3minutes driving distance so we went bowling till about 10:30
"Hugo's on the Hill" is the nice bowling/casino/bar place by my house
We had nachos and hung out and bowled for an hour
I will not posted the results due to my shame haha.
{to say the least I lost every game...}
It was a good time.
Simple & fun :]

However, our outfits were quite the catch
We got many compliments

 We took many pictures before we left
It was like we were going to prom :] haha.

 I love his bow tie :]

 My 2013 ball earrings {H&M}

 My dress is also from H&M
I saw it about two months ago 
& had to buy it for New Years

 Typical me
 I don't always wear lipstick but when I do I give Casey kisses
 My outfit and make up made me feel very diva as you can see


 Overall, it was such a good time.
It was nice to finally get out of the house and do something.

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties --Helen Keller

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