Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Merry Rocchi Christmas

This Christmas we didn't ask for any presents 
We were going to do money
But if you know my father we got money & a few presents
He spoils us!

There wasn't many pictures taken so I will explain a few things 

 Getting my dad to smile in a photo!!!
Very exciting stuff!

 My mom and dad both got personalized photo calendars
 Angela got a Coach clutch from Beth
 I got a sweater from Angela
 She got a flat iron with other hair bands too.
 Beth got me a Swamp people shirt and custom made minion slippers
You can see my joy

 My MumMum got me a nursing ornament

 We all got pink owl footie pjamas
 My dad got us all a bunch of games to play

 My mom got two sets of vintage diamond earrings

 Each of us girls got our own necklace
It is three hearts for three sisters.
But they are each unique diamond/metal design

Beth & I got matching crystal champagne glasses
They are gorgeous!

After all the presents were opened we played all the games
I only have pictures of Jenga
But it was a blast.

You can't let one bad moment spoil a bunch of good ones--Dale Earnhardt

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