Saturday, February 16, 2013

Updating Information


Life has been CRAZY lately
I have full time school/clinical, 
working at the DayCare, 
working out, 
visiting family, 
& a limited social life {haha}
I have been go go going.


I went home for my baby sisters "birthday" {the weekend after}
I got her a WSU cougars sweat shirt
She LOVES it! 
I was happy to finally get home to see my family
It is hard when I work every Saturday 
But it was wonderful seeing them all again

Also, if you did not already know my baby sister is now officially 
She accepted her full ride to WSU
& will be attending their in a fall
I will announce her desired major when I know for sure.
Also, she is in the running for Valedictorian
{that wont be posted until a few days before her graduation in June}


Also, I am getting pumped for Hawaii
I will be going to Hawaii for two weeks in May
I am so excited to finally go on a vacation
It has been so long since I have traveled anywhere
Or even been to a beach !
So I am pumped.
I will be on this Maui beach soon enough!

February is full of:

Valentine's Day {past}
Monster Jam
Casey's Birthday
Hockey game
& visiting home

Valentine's Day

So far Valentine's day has happened.
Casey and I called to make reservations at Outback
For a nice Steak dinner
However, when it came down to it we were STARVING
So we went to Azteca for some nice Mexican food
It was lovely.
We were slightly over dressed but we did not care.

 I absolutely love my new maxi dress
Got it at Ross for 16 dollars:]
Pretty proud!
Casey is sporting his maroon Valentine's Day shirt!

Also, Casey surprised me with a BEAUTIFUL set of opal earrings
I have been wanting some opal stud earrings forever!
I was very surprised when he presented them to me
They are stunning on!

Birthday Boy

Casey's Birthday is February 24th. 
He is 22 this year.
I am taking him to a Hockey game for his birthday
Also, we did the "24 days of Casey" again
That basically means he finally found something he wanted
& he gets it early {haha}

 Great fake surprise face! :}
This year he wanted the Cabellas hunting game for Xbox
It was WAY too much fun!
It came with a gun that you could decal yourself
He camouflaged it!
It looks pretty cool
I didn't take a picture of it yet
More pictures to come of Casey's birthday

I should be better about doing these blogs: I am a slacker.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. - Robert Frost

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. - Confucius

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