Monday, March 11, 2013


It does not really feel like a break with all the school work I have to do
However, Casey's mom needed some updated photos of Casey
So I did a 30 minute photoshoot.
Casey got cold so it was not very long, haha
But I got some good ones.


Tomorrow I will be off to the WestSide of the state
To visit my parents!
 My mom & I have a lot of plans this week
Then this weekend I have a wonderful Bachlorette party!
I will have pictures of all when I return.
Then the following weekend is Kaylee's wedding
Since I am in the wedding I don't know how many pictures I will have

But, I am hoping to get back to blogging again
But school is pretty crazy. Going by so fast!

If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.-Benjamin Franklin 

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