Friday, February 24, 2012


My sacrifices for medical practice!
Whitney, Maria, Biljiana, and I bravely went to the lab to practice giving intramuscular and intradermal injections on Wednesday after catheter care lab
Background: we have the opportunity to practice injections on each other AFTER
sign a scary waiver that states if we get muscle, nerve, or tissue damage the school or injector is not liable {lucky, we are still whole & free of permanent injury}!
This is a great opportunity so you don’t have to be all nervous giving your first injection, especially intradermal, on a random patient.
It is quite scary getting a 1inch needle stuck into your arm by your clinical mates and even more scary to have a baby needle make a bubble under your skin
But my group did AWESOME & I am so proud of us for overcoming our nerves and fears

First, we signed our life away
Second, we demonstrated that we could draw saline solution and give injections to a dumby
Third, we prepared a sterile field, collected all our injection materials, and preformed the 6 rights of administration
Forth, we drew the saline solution & performed normal procedures for preparing an injection site
Fifth, we injected the IM injection & got a cool Band-Aid
Sixth, redo 3 & 4 and injected intradermal & got a cool Band-Aid
Seventh, celebration

The Positives:
Cool Looney Toon Band-Aids
Personally, got a wheal for my first intradermal injection!
Encouragement and comfort of my friends and colleagues

The Negatives:
Pain of needles
Allergic reaction to the adhesive band-aid
Some not getting a wheal for intradermal

After we all practiced injections and finished the day’s courses.
Whitney & I went to OZ fitness to do a “hardcore” workout
This workout lasted 2.5 hours
I don’t think Whiney will ever go to the gym with me again
We focused on abs, inner/outer thigh, calves, lower back, triceps, obliques, & “the THASS”
Overall, this was a success!
We woke up feeling HORRIBLE
We sat in class the next day stretching our soreness which was literally all our muscles
It was fun & difficult
We will be going Monday whether Whitney wants to or not
Apparently I am too hardcore
Feeling good and sore today
Off to Pullman for Casey’s birthday & the UW vs. WSU basketball game


  1. i read this WHOLE disturbing/gross post and still not a single recognition of my name nor the fact that you will be seeing me this weekend. disowned
