- Have to plan around doing anything inside with my dishwasher on because it's so loud
- Talk to my fish every time I feed them
- Listen to Jackie Banasik's lectures in all my free time
- Make mac n cheese at least 2 times a week for dinner
- Love dressing up for anything
- LOVE not having to get up at 3:45am for clinical anymore--better get use to it tho
- am PUMPED for my job at Old Navy! Hello 25% discount at old navy & 50% discount at GAP and banana republic!
- wish there was more time in a day
- Cannot wait to see my baby sisters play
- think very highly of my intelligence
- am addicted to SMASH (the show) & cannot wait till next season!
- like my lemonade super sour
- I enjoy cleaning my apartment & will get anxiety if it is dirty
- If I'm not studying or in class I don't know what to do
- I LOVE crafts
- want to go to silverwood with casey this summer!
- I can't wait to grow my plants this summer
- really want a full size grill
- Am ready for the end of this semester!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Not So Secretly
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Project Runway
Sorry this is so late; school has been crazy busy lately
with finals being Monday & Tuesday!
My clinical group had to do an "educational" video about bandages & binders
It was a BLAST to film & edit!
Yes, it is embarrassing for me
We all had characters and I was a cocky woman
I'm going to miss my clinical group!
It was a good semester
Finals are well on there way so...
Onward and upward
To quote Professor Choka:
"Grab your favorite beverage" and reflect on the the semester past
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Springfest Carnival
Casey & I took a day trip to Pullman
(because he had to go to spring welcome)
& when to the springfest carnival!
First, we were VERY excited
because last year Casey, beth, michael, and I all went together
It was a blast last year; we got matching tattoos, went on rides, and played games
Casey won me an elephant last year and beth won an alien
Here is us last year:
However, this year there was no tattoos...
We were very upset
There was only one ride and the lines were horrible
There was only one ride and the lines were horrible
We didn't win anything
And there was no free stuff

We did make mustache disguises while we waited in line to get our face painted
We waited an hour and a half to get this done!
But the guy was really good
He told me I was going to be a fairy princess lolz
He also showered Casey's manly skull with glitter hahaha
Overall, the carnival kinda sucked but we still had fun
Then we did play air hockey for 45 minutes straight...
I won :] but my right shoulder/arm is so sore!
That was a BLAST!
We are too aggressive:
there was pucks going everywhere
& we were sweating up a storm
However, now it is less than a week until finals so no more fun :[
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Birdy houses
Let the crafts begin!
In preparation for summer Casey & I painted bird houses!
After being sick it was the perfect sit down fun craft
The little bird houses are only $1 at Joannes
We took a long time deciding what colors to do
I picked out the bird houses last weekend at mom's weekend
I picked a princess castle for me
& a church house for casey
So let the painting being!
In the end I went with an alien theme instead of a princess
And casey picked safari colors!--jealous (he picked first)
Casey's house of hope for African children above
My aliens of the future space ship above
They both turned out great!
Plus it was a BLAST!
Overall, a successful painting adventure after my sick fiasco
Can't wait till summer!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Bed Bugs Bit!
Just a blurb in the life of Danielle
First off I would like to think yall for all of the prayers and love
I am feeling much better after living in bed for three days
Here's the down low:
Keep in mind this whole time: if I am not saying I am doing anything; I am in bed!
Sunday night: feeling rather icky
Monday morning: oh maybe I shouldn't go to clinical at 5am ... nah, I can't skip
Monday afternoon after clinical: man, I shouldn't have gone to clinical...
Monday night: fever of 101.9, swollen lymph nodes & tonsils, hurts to swallow
Later Monday night: fever of 102.4, swollen lymph nodes & tonsils, can barely swallow, white exudate in the back of throat, and cannot move because of throbbing headache so my prince charming comes to take care of me (Casey)
![]() |
Since I am without a mother up hear all alone
Casey came to the rescue & forced me to get better
I was very lucky to have the help |
Tuesday morning: Casey leaves. My symptoms just get worse. I can bared swallow water, haven't showered, eaten, or brushed my teeth
Tuesday afternoon: Clearly my codeine isn't working... Fever is around 101-102.3 So I decide I should go in to the doctor cause I could barely swallow
Doctors: my lovely friend Whitney Stenger dropped everything she was doing to take me to the urgent care looking like a drunken band member who never showers. First, the nurse took my vitals and swabbed my throat. Then the doctor came in and said "well your feeling rather miserable aren't you" Thinking to myself duh, I replied kindly yes I am. The she said the strep test came back negative so we are going to do a mono test and she asked me a few other questions. Then, the blood team came in an poked my finger and took some blood for the mono test. Then eight minutes later the doctor came in and said well that was negative too. We are going to send your strep swap away for a culture and call you in a few days to tell you the results. Then she explained all the glorious medications she was going to write for me....
I am on Lidociane, Tramadol, and Cephalexin currently
Last thing she said was oh ya and your heart rate is about 130 resting and your O2 saturation is rather low so I think you should go to the hospital to get some IV fluids to stabilize your heart rate. I just said oh no that's not necessary.
And I went with Whitney to go pick up my prescription at Shopko
Tuesday Evening: Casey & Colton Faverty both came back to take care of me and to make sure I was drinking my fluids :[ It was nice having people there who love you to take care of you when you are unable to. Casey also did all my laundry and made me change my clothes because apparently you're not allowed to sweat your life away and still live in it haha. EVERYTHING was soaked in my sweat; sheets, clothes, pillow, etc.
Wednesday: My throat felt a little better but I felt super nauseous. My sleep cycle was all jacked up because I was in bed napping 24/7. So at 2:30 am I woke up super nauseous and sweaty. Fell back asleep. Casey & Colton left at 6am. 6:30am I woke up and threw up the little water I was able to get down the night before. It was miserable. The rest of Wednesday I spent in bed resting and watching all the lectures I missed
Thursday: Got my butt out of bed and took a shower and attempted to go to lab. I felt nauseous and dizzy the whole time standing. Then I went home and watched more lectures I missed. Then I went to an interview at Old Navy. Then went to the grocery store for food that I could actually eat. And still am watching lectures. The doctor finally called with my lab results: I do NOT have strep and she is concerned and wants me to come back in to see a primary provider... she is concerned....hopefully she will just take my tonsils & call it good.
So, that is my depressing week in the life of Danielle.
On a MUCH happier note:
I just wanted to make my mommy & daddy jealous!
Spring is B-E-A-UTIFUL in Spokane
& summer will be even more so!

I just like to tease my lovely west side of the state parents :]
I know it is miserable over there & I am sorry
Come visit me !
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Cougar Mom
Cougar Mom.
Mothers know when
you are sad
She calls you when
you are mad
No matter the
distance she knows
There through your
highs and lows
Just an average
mom may
But a cougar mom
bleeds crimson and gray
A cougar mom
protects her cubs
One’s a teacher and
the other in scrubs
One will soon be a
cougar too
The last baby to
join this crew
My cougar mom is
one of a kind
Love, strength,
and wisdom combined
Family is first we
all know
We help each other
learn and grow
Together we are
stronger than ever
My mother is there
through every endeavor
Without her we
would be incomplete
My cougar mom you
cannot defeat
Danielle Rocchi
This past weekend was Mom's weekend at WSU Pullman
The pictures are a little out of chronological order but the message is still there
Danielle Rocchi
This past weekend was Mom's weekend at WSU Pullman
The pictures are a little out of chronological order but the message is still there
These next few pictures are from the Kelly Clarkson concert we went to Saturday
It was fun. There are some funny videos of us all jumping, singing, & dancing.

One of our last trips was to (Shopko) pay-less were we tried on these CRAZY pumps
It was fun prancing around Shopko in these bad boys
Another event was going to the movies-Mirror Mirror
It was a good relaxing thing to do on a Sunday
They had a funny chair at the theaters that we had to take a picture by!
On to the FOOD!
The weekend was full of FABULOUS food!
Sangria was delicious!
It is the nicest restaurant within 70miles of Pullman haha.
Mommy & Beth split a golden sunset pitcher
The drinks and food looked so cute
& it all tasted AMAZING!
Sunday's meal was La Casa Lopez
A yummy Mexican restaurant in Moscow
Again the food was great!

Lastly, we took the weekend photos and said our goodbyes :[
It was a fun weekend & a nice break from studying
I thought I would post a picture of the before and after chair!
My mom did a wonderful job sanding and refinishing my chairs so far!
The color is so cute and it is such an improvement!
Two chairs down 4 to go & a table.
The finished product will be AWESOME!
We also went to Joannes to pick out fabric for the seat cushions
I'm excited for it to be complete
Now back to studying and school.
4am wake up call tomorrow :[
Only 2 more weeks!
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