Sunday, April 29, 2012

Not So Secretly

I not so secretly...
  • Have to plan around doing anything inside with my dishwasher on because it's so loud
  • Talk to my fish every time I feed them
  • Listen to Jackie Banasik's lectures in all my free time
  • Make mac n cheese at least 2 times a week for dinner
  • Love dressing up for anything
  • LOVE not having to get up at 3:45am for clinical anymore--better get use to it tho
  • am PUMPED for my job at Old Navy! Hello 25% discount at old navy & 50% discount at GAP and banana republic!
  • wish there was more time in a day
  • Cannot wait to see my baby sisters play
  • think very highly of my intelligence
  • am addicted to SMASH (the show) & cannot wait till next season!
  •  like my lemonade super sour
  • I enjoy cleaning my apartment & will get anxiety if it is dirty
  • If I'm not studying or in class I don't know what to do
  •  I LOVE crafts
  • want to go to silverwood with casey this summer!
  • I can't wait to grow my plants this summer
  • really want a full size grill
  •  Am ready for the end of this semester!