Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cougar Mom

Cougar Mom.
Mothers know when you are sad
She calls you when you are mad
No matter the distance she knows
There through your highs and lows

Just an average mom may
But a cougar mom bleeds crimson and gray
A cougar mom protects her cubs
One’s a teacher and the other in scrubs
One will soon be a cougar too
The last baby to join this crew

My cougar mom is one of a kind
Love, strength, and wisdom combined
Family is first we all know
We help each other learn and grow

Together we are stronger than ever
My mother is there through every endeavor
Without her we would be incomplete
My cougar mom you cannot defeat
 Danielle Rocchi

This past weekend was Mom's weekend at WSU Pullman
The pictures are a little out of chronological order but the message is still there
These next few pictures are from the Kelly Clarkson concert we went to Saturday
It was fun. There are some funny videos of us all jumping, singing, & dancing.

One of our last trips was to (Shopko) pay-less were we tried on these CRAZY pumps
It was fun prancing around Shopko in these bad boys
Another event was going to the movies-Mirror Mirror
It was a good relaxing thing to do on a Sunday
They had a funny chair at the theaters that we had to take a picture by!

On to the FOOD!
The weekend was full of FABULOUS food!
Sangria was delicious!
It is the nicest restaurant within 70miles of Pullman haha. 
Mommy & Beth split a golden sunset pitcher
The drinks and food looked so cute
& it all tasted AMAZING!

Sunday's meal was La Casa Lopez
A yummy Mexican restaurant in Moscow
Again the food was great!
Lastly, we took the weekend photos and said our goodbyes :[
It was a fun weekend & a nice break from studying
I thought I would post a picture of the before and after chair!
My mom did a wonderful job sanding and refinishing my chairs so far!
The color is so cute and it is such an improvement!
Two chairs down 4 to go & a table.
The finished product will be AWESOME!
We also went to Joannes to pick out fabric for the seat cushions
I'm excited for it to be complete

Now back to studying and school.
4am wake up call tomorrow :[
Only 2 more weeks!

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