Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mister Fav

Photoshoot in an abandon lot by my apartment
It was quite the adventure
{I didn't quite capture how creepy it was!}

Jumping pictures: Casey style

He is so fun to be with! Miss him loads.
Casey Jordan Faverty


  1. I think I tried to comment on this but I'm not sure if it worked! Nonetheless, You are a beautiful photographer! I love these pictures, Rocky! Oh, and to reply to your post: Thank you! and I would love to get coffee with you some time soon!! When do you leave to school? I assume you may already be back.. :( Well.. when you come home this summer, if you do.. let me know and we will have to make a coffee date happen. :D Miss you too!!

    1. Thank you miss kaylee! I will be back a few days during spring break but not summer :[! We will make it happen
