Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Usual days at the CON

{note to self: do not wear red for your next picture--your face will look like a lobster}
I know you have been hearing lots and lots about my nursing school..
But I am very excited.
Every time I get a new piece of equipment or in this case a name badge you will hear about it!
So, if you are following my blog:
You will be hearing about my crazy nursing life for the next two years, sorry.
 These are the most comfortable shoes ever! I am very excited to wear them!
I cannot talk about my clinical{legal reasons} but I can talk about the rest of my classes..
I have only been to three of my classes so far {three to go}.
I absolutely love my 317: health assessment professor!
All my professors, so far, are phenomenal!

Tomorrow I have a very busy day with classes from 8am-2pm
& then I come back for lab from 5-9pm! fun fun..

Actual school is not the hard part; I love taking notes and listening to lectures BUT
16 hours of prep work for a 1 credit lab every week is CRAZY!
The one nice thing about clinical/clinical lab is that it is pass/fail! Truly just focusing on learning!

I calculated the amount of work each teacher recommends outside of class time to study
& there is not enough time in a day.
I don't know how half the people at this school can handle this with families and work!

She's a beauty isn't she?
Tomorrow my lab is for my clinical and I am ECSTATIC!
This is the lab were I get to practice all my skills on other people :] muahaha {evil laugh}
However, as exciting as that is.. I have to be a victim as well.. we'll see how that goes
I don't know if I'll let some one stick me with an IV... I barely let doctors do that.

Also, I have simulation lab on the 16th of February!
If you don't know what this is...
I know this "sims man" looks rather scary BUT it is so awesome!

This is a very expensive piece of equipment that most other schools don't own.
A simulation man is a manikin that can do just about everything.
He cries, sweats, changes color, urinates, etc.
You can check his BP, pulse, heart rate, lung sounds, etc.
Also you can inject IVs into the sims man or take an EKG, etc.
The possibilities are endless, it is very exciting & an awesome opportunity.
 This man is in one of our "medical rooms" & connecting room next door there is a one way glass
Also, in the room next door, there the instructor controlling the sims man.
The situation always gets worse, of course..
Simulation lab is where you are put to the test--scary huh?!

I will touch base here again at the end of the week to talk about my other classes!
Then, hopefully I will have a relaxing weekend of no homework..hahaha yes I am dreaming

Sometimes you have to sit down & decide which things you could truly go on without doing and accept it.
-Advisor Janet Katz.