Monday, January 16, 2012

Pizza Extravaganza!

On Sunday, Casey and I decided to make a pizza!
 After getting all the right ingredients it was rather fun! 
{for me at least; I didn't do much}
 I only read the directions & took pictures. silly me!
  A true man watches football and kneads dough :]
 I think his favorite part was stretching the dough the "adventurous way" 
{according to the directions}
Egg whisk {Casey got for me for my birthday last year}
  Yes, we did make stuffed crust!

 Just being silly with the pepperoni
I decided I should be in at least one picture.
 Our pizza creation was delicious! & we had even more fun making it!
Well Casey did. haha.

Now back to school work and no fun :[ 
I just recently bought a blood pressure pump at the uniform store downtown 
It is an awesome new toy! I have been taking everyone blood pressure!
I am excited for almost all my classes this week.
Patho/Pharm is very difficult for me; 
I do not like memorizing drugs &/or chemistry
But I must embrace it.
Check in later!

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